American Girl at Costco


You’ve possibly seen some posts around the ‘blogosphere’ regarding Molly, or other AG items at Costco… and here’s my contribution! 🙂

Recently I went to Costco, and it was surprising how many American Girl things they had! I’ve seen dolls sold there before (such as Caroline when she was retiring, which is actually where my Caroline is from!). But they had a lot of other AG things there, too, this year!

(Including Molly 🙂 ! )

Here go the pictures!


This first picture has some glare, but you can see they had an American Girl horse as well as a ballet set.



Here are American Girl pets, Wellie Wishers, Bitty Babies, and Maryellen! I’m not sure why they put Maryellen at Costco. Has anyone else seen her or a different doll at Costco?



And last but not least, Molly, back from retirement! 🙂


Have you seen any AG items or dolls at Costco this year? Anyone see any other dolls besides Maryellen and Molly?


Can you believe that we’re already in the middle of the fall season? November is nearly here which means it’s almost time for the annual Basket of Thankfulness activity!!

I also have a photoshoot coming up featuring Grace and Caroline, so stay tuned for that 🙂 !


Have a blessed day!

Gracie Sign Off

Meet the Mini Dolls!


I hope you all had a good Mother’s Day, last Sunday! Remember to honor your mother (and father!) for all that they do for you!


Clara is going to take over now. 🙂



Hi Everyone! Guess what I get to show you today?


The mini dolls!!! It’s about time you met them, I think. 🙂


Gracie’s planning to add a link to this post on the “Meet the Dolls” page, and she added a little bit to our profiles, too, so be sure to check it out!

Now, let’s get in to actually meeting the minis!


Let’s start with Julie’s, the oldest’s, doll and then proceed from the minis owned by the oldest to the youngest.

This is Cecile! She and Marie-Grace, who are pre-Beforever historicals, were our first minis!


Cecile is eight years old, the oldest of the minis, and likes to cook. She’s fun, sometimes stubborn, and likes to goof off with her sisters, though she is also good at standing up when things are getting too out of hand.

Any words for the readers, Cecile?

Hello! *waves*

Ok… That’s all?

Um, thanks for reading!!


Next up we have Molly, a first edition, glass-eyed mini, and one of Caroline’s dolls!

Um, Molly?

I’m adjusting my glasses… 

Ok… They look fine to me…

Ok… but if you had glasses you would understand how they get uncomf–


Hey! I have glasses!

Well… you aren’t wearing them…

I’m NOT?


OOF! Hey…!

Where in the world could they be??


AHA! Here they are!!



Alright! Much better! Now, where were we?

You were introducing me and then you dropped me…

Oh, right. Sorry Molly!


Molly is six years old. She is a bit shy and reserved, and likes reading. She can be a little mischievous sometimes, and she doesn’t like being the center of attention.

Any extra words, Molly?

I don’t think so… 

Ok. Thanks for joining us, Molly.

You’re welcome.*shy smile*


This here is Samantha, also glass-eyed, and also Caroline’s!


Mini Sam is six years old, and the youngest of the minis. She likes to joke around, play, and try to get Molly to go on mischievous adventures with her and Kit.

Any words, Sammy?

I saw cake in the fridge, may I have some? 

Um, sure, but do you have any words for our readers?

Oh! Um… I love cake! And playing outside with Kit!


Speaking of Kit, Kit is up next! She is–




Why is your hair a wreck? And you don’t have your shoes on? You know you’re in a post!

Sorry, I was climbing trees outside.

Alright, well, go get yourself cleaned up, ok? Then come on back.

*Scampers off*

Just a minute please. Sorry for the delay.


*Scampers back* Better? 

Much! So anyways, this is Kit! She is one of the Beforever minis, and is Grace’s doll.


Kit is seven years old. She and Samantha get along really well, as they both like playing outside and being silly. Samantha looks up to Kit, and thinks she’s hilarious and fun. Kit’s mischief sometimes gets out of hand, but she tries to be a good example and big sister to Sam.

Do you have anything to say to the readers?

Out of hand? I don’t get out of hand! Oh… well, I guess, there was that one time… 

And some other times…

Ok, maybe I do get a little out of hand sometimes… 


This here is Marie-Grace! She is one of my dolls!


Marie-Grace is eight years old. She has the sweetest personality of the mini dolls. Marie-Grace is a pretty quiet girl, and very thoughtful. She likes being around her family or in her room reading. Cecile is her best friend.

Anything to say, Marie-Grace?

It was nice meeting you all!


Before we go, just check out her HAIR! It’s so long and shiny and soft! XD I love it.


Last but not least, we have Rebecca, another pre-Beforever mini! Um… Rebecca?

Be out in a minute! I’m fixing my hair!

Oh, um, ok… Just try to hurry! We have people waiting!


Here I am! I need to look my best for the readers, don’t you think?

Ok. So here is Rebecca, she is my second doll, and the last of our minis.


Rebecca is our fashionista; though, you may have already figured that out. She is seven years old. Rebecca likes to spend her time styling her and her sisters’ hair and begging us to let her try out a little makeup. She can be a little bossy sometimes, but can be kind, as well.

Anything to say, Rebecca?

So… can I wear makeup? 

*chuckles* No, Rebecca. You don’t need any at your age, anyways. I don’t wear it, either. Anything else?

Goodbye, readers!


Well, I guess that concludes our meet and greet! I hope you enjoyed meeting all the minis! And be sure to go check out the “Meet the Dolls” page to check out the update!!



Before I go,

What did you think of the pictures in this post?

I took them in my closet where my dollhouse/bookshelf is, so it was kind of like an experiment, and lighting was a challenge. Some of them are better than others, because I figured out new methods as I went. I edited these, too 🙂 . Feedback is appreciated!

Also, I plan to post the winner of Caption It! #3 very soon! So go ahead and vote, here, if you haven’t yet!







A Purchase…!


I had been looking through Ebay quite a bit recently, looking at used American Girl dolls on the chance that I’d find a really cheap one to fix up and sell, or even customize. I thought that would be fun to do!








Just Kidding!! I didn’t get one…. (If only it was April first) XD


But I was looking, and I found something else instead…

Something… smaller….


You ready to see?

























Say hello to…



















Mini Molly!!


I found her in my eBay searching and just thought she was adorable! It was an auction, but then on the last day of it I came too late to bid, and the auction had ended… but no one else had bid! Soon she was re-listed for a good price, not in an auction. I went for it and here she is!


She is glass-eyed like mini Samantha, which is pretty special 🙂 .


She came without her glasses, but I don’t really mind…

I decided to just make some! (inspired by this and this video. The second one has glasses made in a small part of the video, starting at about 6:24, in case you were wondering.)



*Squeals* XD ☺


She came in really great shape (her braids are so perfect!), except her face has this weird dusty looking stuff on it that is very stubborn to get off. I first wiped with a paper towel, damp with some disinfectant, and she looked like this:


Then I later got out my camera cleaning supplies and worked at her face with the glass-cleaning cloth, and she looked like this:


A little better. It seemed to mostly improve around her mouth.





Isn’t she a cutie? I need to do a meet the mini dolls post sometime and maybe even add them to my meet the dolls page! (I have six minis now XD .)


The back of her hair is kind of odd, because it’s cut short, but I think she was made that way. (I knew about this before I bought her, by the way. 🙂 )


Her wittle bitty socks!! XD 😛


Here’s Molly and Samantha together! I decided to give them both to Caroline; she seems to really like her glass-eyed minis.



What do you think of the new little edition? Do you have any glass-eyed mini dolls? Which do you like best, glass or painted eyes?


Bye for now,
