BIBPC the Sixth, Category 4 Entry – Furry!


I am here with a last minute BIBPC entry!

The category is furry, and I am on team Owl.

Go Owls!


This photo was taken with my Nikon L840, not my Canon T3i. As you can see, it features my very furry feline with a very furry teddy bear! 🙂 ♥

For Megan, I also named my photo with the name, team, and category.


How was your Christmas and New Year?


Have a blessed day!

Gracie Sign Off

BIBPC the Sixth – Category 3: Tradition


I am here with another entry for BIBPC! This contest has been so much fun so far!

Go Owls!

Category 3 is “tradition.” I wasn’t sure at first what to photograph, because I couldn’t really think of any unique traditions my family/I do for Christmas, but I was able to think of one, and got this photo with the help of some gifts my mom wrapped for friends tonight… and also the cat 😉 .


This picture represents a personal tradition I have. It’s simple, yet enjoyable and exciting to me. Every Christmas morning, I like to get up before the sun rises, when the house is dark, and go out to where the tree is. In my family, we typically don’t put the presents under the tree until Christmas Eve night, so when I go out on Christmas morning, I can turn on the tree lights in the dark and sit and enjoy how pretty everything looks, and enjoy the excitement of the morning!

Christmas traditions are so fun, though we must always remember the greatest reason behind all of the trees and lights and presents — Jesus: the greatest gift of all!


What are some of your Christmas traditions?


Before you go, Clara is hosting a giveaway for her 4-year blog anniversary! You can check it out here!


Have a blessed day, and a merry Christmas!! ❤

Gracie Sign Off


BIBPC the Sixth – Category 2: candle, candy cane, card, carols, celebrate, chestnuts, chill

Hello! Here is my entry for Category 2 of BIBPC!

This category is…

candle, candy cane, card, carols, celebrate, chestnuts, chill!


I am on Team Owl! I used all seven words in my photo:


The candles are in the window; the candy canes are to the left of the sheet music; two cards are to the right of the sheet music; the sheet music is a Christmas carol; the cards, candy canes, carol, and festive blanket celebrate the holiday; the sheet music is for “Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire” (also called “The Christmas Song”); and the blanket on the bench is there to keep off the chill!

Go Owls! It was a lot of fun thinking up this photo! 🙂


Have a blessed day!

Gracie Sign Off

BIBPC the Sixth, Category 1: Cozy – Plus Bonus Photo – Plus Camera Update!!!

Hello! Happy December!

This post is for my entry to Megan‘s contest, BIBPC (Boring into Beautiful Photography Contest).

This photo is for Category 1, “Cozy,” and I am on Team Owl. Go Owls!! 🙂


It was fun setting up this cozy scene… and then drinking the chai tea afterward! 😉


Here’s a bonus picture from my photoshoot of this setup…


Callie decided my tea smelled interesting and photo-bombed the shot to look at it. 😉 Can you see her?


Now for the camera update… I got a new camera!! A big thanks to my brother for passing his Canon EOS Rebel T3i down to me! I am really enjoying learning to use it and the manual controls!


What do you do to get cozy in the wintertime? 🧣☕


Have a blessed day!

Gracie Sign Off

BIBPC #5 Category 7 + A Poll

Hi there!

I’m here with another BIBPC entry! This is the last category!! 😮

I haven’t been posting many normal posts lately. I hope to make a crafty post soon, but I guess I’ve just not had much time, with school now in session! At the end of this post I have a poll that you can vote in for what post you’d like to see next!


Here is my entry for the Category Tiny!


DSCN2711 (2)

Story: We went to a lake while on vacation this past summer, and there were some adorable little ducklings! It was really neat to be able to photograph them!


I also have two extra photos for the previous category, Reflection/shadow.



This picture I took for an art class!


And this is one of the pictures I got when I was trying to get a photo for the category. It is a picture of my lamp. Instead of a shade, it has strings of reflective plastic circles.


I also designed a poster for the next BIBPC…



BIBPC is always so fun! I’m glad I got do do it again, and look forward to future ones! You can check it out yourself at !


And now… A poll!


Hopefully I’ll be able to get the most-voted-for post up soon, but I guess I’ll have to see how busy I am 🙂


Until next time, Have a blessed day!
