Rainy Day with Caroline and Grace + A Reminder


The other day it was very rainy, so Caroline and Grace got dressed up to go out in the storm and enjoy the weather. I’ve been planning to do this photoshoot for a while, so I’m excited to finally be posting it! Enjoy the photos!


















I hope you enjoyed!

This post is also a reminder… Thanksgiving is coming up in just a couple days (on the 22nd)!! So remember to comment on my Basket of Thankfulness activity to share what you are thankful for! On Thanksgiving day I will post the list of everything we said!

Visit the post and comment here! 


Which picture was your favorite? Do you prefer rain or sun? Are you excited for Thanksgiving??


Gracie Sign Off

Head in a Book – Photoshoot with Caroline


Who remembers me saying in my last post that I hoped to get this one out early… 😉

Time flies!

I guess editing 21 pictures took longer than I expected, but I hope that you will enjoy this fun photoshoot that I took while on a trip a couple weeks ago! I had fun taking this shoot of Caroline enjoying some of her favorite things: being outdoors in nature and reading!

So here it is!
























I have another, smaller photoshoot that I took last minute before leaving from our trip, so you will probably be seeing that one sometime soon as well!


Which picture was your favorite? Have you taken any trips this summer? If not, what is your dream summer trip?


Have a blessed day! ❤

Gracie Sign Off

Caption It! #4 – Winner!

Happy Thursday! How has your summer been so far?

Thank you all for voting for your favorite captions! Today I will reveal the winner!

The winner is…



















Great job, Jewel! You had a great caption!

Here it is:


[Grace]: I got the suitcase!

[Caroline]: Thank you, Grace. One question: I only have room for one more shirt. So should I wear the tee-shirt or the sweater for our vacation?

[Grace]: Oh definitely tee-shirt! Julie gave you that.

[Caroline]: OK…

[Grace]: On the other hand it is cold in Alaska…

[Caroline]: Yeah, that’s what I was thinking.

[Grace]: But Julie might be upset you didn’t bring the tee-shirt.

[Caroline]: Yikes… It’s possible.

[Grace]: But the sweater is so much cuter!

[Caroline]: True… I think I’ll go with that…

[Grace]: Now, that I think about it, didn’t it have fleas?

[Caroline]: Grace!

[Grace]: What?

[Caroline]: Nevermind… I think I have as many clothes as I need.

[Grace]: Glad to be of service!


That’s about all for this post! Congratulations Jewel!


Anyone have plans for the rest of summer? This weekend I’ll be going to summer camp with my youth group, and then I will be going to a cabin with family. Hopefully I can take a doll along and have a post next Thursday with pictures around the cabin! Which doll do you want me to take along?


Have a blessed day!

Gracie Sign Off

Caption It! #4 – Voting


Currently I am on a mission trip with a group from my church, so I’ve scheduled the voting session for Caption It #4. 🙂

Here’s how the voting works:

  • I post the picture to be captioned
  • I post a few of my favorite captions below it
  • and you vote for your favorite caption with the poll!

I plan to post the winner in about 2 weeks! (In one week I plan to post the blogiversary winner!)


I loved reading all of your captions!! You all had great ones!

I picked out four of my favorites for you all to choose from, and even if I didn’t pick yours, I still really enjoyed it! Thank you all for participating!



(Note: These are not listed in order of favorites.)


Hannah‘s Caption:

Caroline: Which shirt Grace?

Grace: I don’t know, look outside, is it hot, or cold?

Caroline: It’s the middle of June, what did you think?

Grace: I know it’s the middle of June, Caroline. So what are you going to wear?

Caroline: I asked you, you’re the fashionista after all.

Grace: Just put the pink t-shirt on Caroline.


Jewel‘s Caption:

[Grace]: I got the suitcase!

[Caroline]: Thank you, Grace. One question: I only have room for one more shirt. So should I wear the tee-shirt or the sweater for our vacation?

[Grace]: Oh definitely tee-shirt! Julie gave you that.

[Caroline]: OK…

[Grace]: On the other hand it is cold in Alaska…

[Caroline]: Yeah, that’s what I was thinking.

[Grace]: But Julie might be upset you didn’t bring the tee-shirt.

[Caroline]: Yikes… It’s possible.

[Grace]: But the sweater is so much cuter!

[Caroline]: True… I think I’ll go with that…

[Grace]: Now, that I think about it, didn’t it have fleas?

[Caroline]: Grace!

[Grace]: What?

[Caroline]: Nevermind… I think I have as many clothes as I need.

[Grace]: Glad to be of service!


The Director‘s Caption:

Grace: What are you doing with those?

Caroline: I have too much stuff in my closet, so I’m going to give these away.

Grace: But you wear those all the time!! Aren’t you supposed to give away what you don’t use, not what you do?

Caroline: Well… Yeah, I guess so!

Grace: Good. Because I was worried I wouldn’t be able to borrow these from you anymore!


Jaylin’s Caption:

Grace: Aha! Here’s a perfect spot for a photo shoot! People will certainly enter Gracie’s blogiversary giveaway after they see these pictures! *stands perfectly still posing for the camera*

Caroline: Grace!!

Grace: *screams* Caroline! Why did you scare me like that! I’m doing a photo shoot!

Caroline: *Looks sheepishly at Grace* Sorry, I was just wondering which outfit I should wear.

Grace: Um…

Caroline: I think you’re right! I should wear the blue shirt.

Grace: Wait, I didn’t say… Oh never mind.

Caroline: So I should wear the pink one?

Grace: Sure!

Caroline: Thanks Grace!


Have fun voting!



Which caption did you vote for? Have you participated in any of Smile and Craft AG’s past Caption It games?

Don’t forget to enter my blogiversary giveaway! Final day to enter is Tuesday, June 26!


Have a blessed day!

Gracie Sign Off

A Few Received Gifts


It’s crazy that Christmas has already passed! I hope you all had a wonderful day!

Today I’m here to show you some things I received for Christmas! That being said, I want to add that although gift-giving and receiving is fun, I hope we will all note and remember that the true reason for Christmas is God’s free gift to us: His Son, Jesus, to save us from our ultimate debt!

Since this is a doll blog, I’m just here with three things that are for my dolls or relate to my blog!

I hope you will enjoy! And a big thank you to my brothers who gave me the gifts in this post!


First off, I received two Our Generation (Target brand) outfits for my dolls!

Here’s one:


It’s called “Tennis Togs.” It comes with a white dress, grey cardigan with embroidered tennis rackets, orange plastic sneakers, a fuzzy tennis ball, and a tennis racket. Looks like Julie has a new hobby! (Note: Julie can hold the ball and racket with the help of hair elastics.)


I especially like the dress in this set. It seems like it’s really versatile! Here I layered a vest.


Or you could add tights.


Or leggings!

Next up…


“So Deer to Me.” It includes a button up top (fastened with velcro), pink pants, a royal blue belt, brown plastic sneakers, orange glasses, and dark pink socks.


Clara popped in to give a quick look at the socks and glasses. I think my favorite part of this outfit is the pants, though it’s cute overall! 🙂

The socks actually do fit under the sneakers. Another thing to note is that the belt is sewn to the pants, causing the buckle to be un-centered when tightened. I’ll probably use my seam-ripper to un-attach the belt. 🙂

And that’s all for the doll items!

However there is one more thing that applies to this blog! My brother kindly gave me Photoshop (Elements 2018). I look forward to playing around with it, and using it to edit photos for my posts! I used it a little for this post, but I have a photoshoot of Caroline that I’m excited to show you soon, in which I’ve been working on editing the pictures with Photoshop!

Well, that about wraps up this post! Thank you again to my brothers! 🙂

What are some things you got for Christmas? What are some things you gave for Christmas?

Have a blessed day!

Gracie Sign Off