BIBPC the Sixth – Category 3: Tradition


I am here with another entry for BIBPC! This contest has been so much fun so far!

Go Owls!

Category 3 is “tradition.” I wasn’t sure at first what to photograph, because I couldn’t really think of any unique traditions my family/I do for Christmas, but I was able to think of one, and got this photo with the help of some gifts my mom wrapped for friends tonight… and also the cat ๐Ÿ˜‰ .


This picture represents a personal tradition I have. It’s simple, yet enjoyable and exciting to me. Every Christmas morning, I like to get up before the sun rises, when the house is dark, and go out to where the tree is. In my family, we typically don’t put the presents under the tree until Christmas Eve night, so when I go out on Christmas morning, I can turn on the tree lights in the dark and sit and enjoy how pretty everything looks, and enjoy the excitement of the morning!

Christmas traditions are so fun, though we must always remember the greatest reason behind all of the trees and lights and presents — Jesus: the greatest gift of all!


What are some of your Christmas traditions?


Before you go, Clara is hosting a giveaway for her 4-year blog anniversary! You can check it out here!


Have a blessed day, and a merry Christmas!! โค

Gracie Sign Off


A Few Received Gifts


It’s crazy that Christmas has already passed! I hope you all had a wonderful day!

Today I’m here to show you some things I received for Christmas! That being said, I want to add that although gift-giving and receiving is fun, I hope we will all note and remember that the true reason for Christmas is God’s free gift to us: His Son, Jesus, to save us from our ultimate debt!

Since this is a doll blog, I’m just here with three things that are for my dolls or relate to my blog!

I hope you will enjoy! And a big thank you to my brothers who gave me the gifts in this post!


First off, I received two Our Generation (Target brand) outfits for my dolls!

Here’s one:


It’s called “Tennis Togs.” It comes with a white dress, grey cardigan with embroidered tennis rackets, orange plastic sneakers, a fuzzy tennis ball, and a tennis racket. Looks like Julie has a new hobby! (Note: Julie can hold the ball and racket with the help of hair elastics.)


I especially like the dress in this set. It seems like it’s really versatile! Here I layered a vest.


Or you could add tights.


Or leggings!

Next up…


“So Deer to Me.” It includes a button up top (fastened with velcro), pink pants, a royal blue belt, brown plastic sneakers, orange glasses, and dark pink socks.


Clara popped in to give a quick look at the socks and glasses. I think my favorite part of this outfit is the pants, though it’s cute overall! ๐Ÿ™‚

The socks actually do fit under the sneakers. Another thing to note is that the belt is sewn to the pants, causing the buckle to be un-centered when tightened. I’ll probably use my seam-ripper to un-attach the belt. ๐Ÿ™‚

And that’s all for the doll items!

However there is one more thing that applies to this blog! My brother kindly gave me Photoshop (Elements 2018). I look forward to playing around with it, and using it to edit photos for my posts! I used it a little for this post, but I have a photoshoot of Caroline that I’m excited to show you soon, in which I’ve been working on editing the pictures with Photoshop!

Well, that about wraps up this post! Thank you again to my brothers! ๐Ÿ™‚

What are some things you got for Christmas? What are some things youย gave for Christmas?

Have a blessed day!

Gracie Sign Off

‘Tis the Season – Holiday Series Part 4 – Joyfully Messy Christmas: A Photostory

Hi there!

It’s Julie, by the way.


Are you ready for theย final part of our Christmas series? It’s been so fun ๐Ÿ™‚

ย  ย  ย Part One,ย Wednesday, December 13:ย Caroline, Collection Postย {Check!}

ย  ย  ย Part Two,ย Saturday, December 16ย :ย Clara, Craft Postย {Check!}

ย  ย  ย Part Three,ย Tuesday, December 19:ย Grace, Recipe Post {Check!}ย 

ย  ย  ย Part Four,ย Friday, December 22:ย Julie, Photostory Post

Today I get to share something I love about Christmas… decorating!

Um… yes… there is indeed only 3 days until Christmas and we haven’t decorated… :O


Oh… and just yesterday the house was a huge disaster…


But now it is much better! And today we can actually decorate!!

Let’s go! *looks around* Clara! Caroline! Grace! Come on out! It’s time to decorate for Christmas!


Clara: Ooh! Yay!!

Grace: Yes! I’m coming!

Caroline: Sounds great! Though, we’re starting a bit late, don’t you think?


Julie: Better late than never. Alright, then! Caroline and I will prep the tree. Grace and Clara, you can–”

Grace: May we work on the gingerbread house?

Clara: Oh yes! Yes!

Julie: That would be fine! Ok, Caroline! I’ll start fluffing up the tree.


Caroline: I’ll go dig out the tree skirt.

Julie: Um, Caroline?

Caroline: What?

Julie: We don’t actually have a tree skirt.


*Shocked look* Caroline: Oh. Well, I guess… I’ll have to find something… or make something.

Julie: You know there’s only three days until Christmas…

Caroline: It will be easy… I think. Give me a minute.


I just shrugged and began to hang lights on the tree. Soon I heard Clara exclaim from the kitchen.



Grace: Yeah…


Julie: Oh good, you can– oh! It’s, um, smaller than usual?

Grace: Uh-huh. Clara dropped a sheet of gingerbread so we had to improvise…

Clara: But I think it’s cute!

Julie: *nods* You can set it over there!


Caroline: Do you think this will work for a tree skirt?

Clara: A tree skirt? That’s too small!

Caroline: *sighs* I know, I know. But it’s all I could find!

Clara: You should have asked me! I have a stash of fabric upstairs! *runs to bedroom* But please wait before hanging the ornaments!!!

Caroline seemed relieved. Soon we had a tree skirt, a prepped tree, and a tiny gingerbread house. Things were starting to come together, and now we could finish decorating the tree!


We all had fun doing that.

Julie: Alright! Time to put up the star!

Clara: Oooh! Can I do it this year!!

Julie: Ok. Here’s a chair.


Clara: I can’t reach. I’ll have to stand on the back!

Caroline: Is that sturdy?

Grace: Clara, I’m not so sure–


Clara: Just a little furthur…!



Grace: Oh dear! *Braces self* OOF! Erm…


Julie: Oh my goodness! Amazing catch!!

Caroline: That fall would have been awful…

Grace: Clara, you… have. to. get–Off!!

Clara: I cannot!

Grace: Some help, please! I’m holding the tree andย Clara!


Caroline: Oh, of course!!

Grace: Push!!


Clara wobbled off of the now-upright tree, while Grace gasped from the effort.

Julie: Crises averted! Grace, you just saved the dayย andย Clara!

Clara: Well… *nervous chuckle* on the bright side, I did get the star on top!


Suddenly, the door bell rang, I left to get it while Clara and Grace recovered. It was our cousin, Consuelo.


Consuelo: Hi guys!! I wanted to come over and help you decorate,


Consuelo: but it looks like you’ve finished! It looks pretty in here.

Clara: I’m glad! You should have seen it two minutes ago…

Consuelo: I brought something for you to add!!

Caroline: How sweet!

Grace: What is it?

Consuelo pulled out a small nativity she had been holding under her arm.


Consuelo: It’s a nativity! Christmas decorating can’t be complete without one!

Julie: That’s wonderful, Consuelo! Thank you! Let’s put it in the center of the table over here!


Caroline: Perfect.

Julie: This is a great reminder of theย trueย reason we celebrate. Not presents or Christmas trees or gingerbread houses, butย Jesus, our Savior. Even if everything is falling down and seems hopeless (whether it be Christmas trees, or other things in our lives), that doesn’t mean that Christmas is ruined, or our lives are ruined, because that’s not what it’s really about.

Caroline: We need to fix our eyes on Jesus, this season. And all seasons, for that matter. He is all we really need in this life, as our Savior, joy, and hope for eternity.

We all nodded, and were quiet for a few moments before I broke the silence.


Julie: I think it’s time to turn on the Christmas tree lights, don’t you?

Clara: Yes!!!

Grace: Um, Julie?

Consuelo: Yayy!!

Grace: Julie??

Julie: Yes? What?

Grace: We, uh… don’t actually have an outlet in this room.

Julie: *blinks*ย What?? You’re saying–? Oh NO!


Caroline: Well, at least we all know that’s not the true reason for the season!

Julie: Yeah….

Clara started to laugh.

Clara: What a mistake! No outlet for the Christmas lights!

And then we all joined her in laughter. No late decorating, tiny gingerbread houses, falling trees, or lack of lights was going to keep us from joy in the true meaning of Christmas!

โ™ฅ โ™ฅ โ™ฅ




‘Tis the Season – Holiday Series Part Three – Hot Chocolate Recipe


Hi everyone! Grace here!



Can you believe that there is less than a week until Christmas?

Today we are doing part three of our Christmas post series. Here is the schedule:

ย  ย  ย Part One,ย Wednesday, December 13:ย Caroline, Collection Postย {Check!}

ย  ย  ย Part Two,ย Saturday, December 16ย :ย Clara, Craft Post {Check!}

ย  ย  ย Part Three,ย Tuesday, December 19:ย Grace, Recipe Post

ย  ย  ย Part Four,ย Friday, December 22:ย Julie, Photostory Post


Wow! We’re nearing the end of the series! It’s been a lot of fun for us, and I hope for you, too!

As you probably know, I love baking. So today, I have a recipe to show you for some easy hot chocolate! (Without hot chocolate mix ๐Ÿ˜‰ , so if you don’t have any on hand, this recipe is for you!)

Easy Homemade Hot Chocolate.png

Let’s begin!

You will need…



  • About 2 Tablespoons of Chocolate chips (or chopped up chocolate)
  • About a cup of milk (Almond milk works too!)
  • Optional: Sugar
  • Optional topping ideas: Marshmallows, Whipped cream, crushed candy cane

Note: You don’t need to measure the milk exactly, and the chocolate can be approximate, too.


First, pour the milk into your mug.


Then stick it in the microwave and heat it up for one minute.


Put your two tablespoons of chocolate chips into your mug. Be careful, sometimes the milk splatters when you drop them in.


Now stir it all up until your chocolate chips are melted into the milk!


And you have your hot chocolate! Yum! A few notes: 1) There may be some little chocolate bits still floating around that don’t dissolve; 2) I like to microwave the hot chocolate another 30 seconds to try and get the chocolate to melt further; 3) You may add in some sugar if you want it sweeter.


Also feel free to add toppings! I chose whipped cream and crushed candy cane!


And that’s it! I hope you enjoy!!


Here is Gracie’s hot chocolate–the human-sized version of this recipe! ๐Ÿ™‚




Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy the recipe, and be sure to come back later for Julie’s post–the last post of the series!!

What is one of your favorite Christmas recipes? Are you going to try this hot chocolate?



P.S. Here is the link to the original recipe I based this one off of.

P.P.S. AG mugs are not microwave safe. ๐Ÿ˜‰


‘Tis the Season – Holiday Series Part Two – Nativity Craft!

Hi!! It’s Clara!!


I’m excited to be here for my part of the “‘Tis the Season” Christmas series!!

Tis the Season!

Gracie wanted me to include the schedule…

ย  ย  ย Part One,ย Wednesday, December 13:ย Caroline, Collection Post {Check!}

ย  ย  ย Part Two,ย Saturday, December 16ย :ย Clara, Craft Post

ย  ย  ย Part Three,ย Tuesday, December 19:ย Grace, Recipe Post

ย  ย  ย Part Four,ย Friday, December 22:ย Julie, Photostory Post

Yep, so we’re on part two, a craft post!!


I love arts and crafts, pretty much any time of year. So are you ready to dive in?

The craft we will be doing is…


A Miniature (AG size!) Nativity!


What do you think? It’s very simple, but I think it’s pretty cute. And it’s actually really easy, too!


Well… Let’s start!!


  • Paperboard (such as cereal box cardboard)
  • Glue/hot glue
  • Paint
  • Scissors

That’s it!

Here we go…

Take your paperboard and cut out little shapes for the various nativity characters. Here is a list of the figures you can cut out:

  • Baby Jesus/Manger
  • Mary
  • Joseph
  • Shepherds (as many as you want)
  • Wise men (Traditionally three. Trivia: the Bible doesn’t actually say how many there were!)
  • Animals (Sheep, Donkey, etc.) (As many as you want)
  • Stable
  • Star

You’ll also want to cut out a rectangle to put all of your characters on later.

Now don’t worry! We’re going to keep it simple and EASY!! ๐Ÿ˜€

I’ll show you the shapes I cut for my nativity (with my and Gracie’s hands for size reference):


See? Not too hard! ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜‰

Next we’ll paint all the pieces.

Again, it doesn’t have to be complicated! Here’s mine:


Hot glue (Or glue), each figure onto the base, and hold them upright until they stay up on their own.


And you’re done!


I love how cute and easy it is! And nativities are a good reminder of the TRUE reason that we celebrate: Jesus come to earth, humbly, as a baby. What a glorious truth!

We weren’t sure where it would go in our (messy) dollhouse, so I think Gracie has just claimed it for her own room… Maybe once we clean we can ask it back XD .


Are you going to make this? Do you have a nativity?

And be sure to come back and see Grace’s and Julie’s posts for the series!

