Caption It! #4 – Winner!

Happy Thursday! How has your summer been so far?

Thank you all for voting for your favorite captions! Today I will reveal the winner!

The winner is…



















Great job, Jewel! You had a great caption!

Here it is:


[Grace]: I got the suitcase!

[Caroline]: Thank you, Grace. One question: I only have room for one more shirt. So should I wear the tee-shirt or the sweater for our vacation?

[Grace]: Oh definitely tee-shirt! Julie gave you that.

[Caroline]: OK…

[Grace]: On the other hand it is cold in Alaska…

[Caroline]: Yeah, that’s what I was thinking.

[Grace]: But Julie might be upset you didn’t bring the tee-shirt.

[Caroline]: Yikes… It’s possible.

[Grace]: But the sweater is so much cuter!

[Caroline]: True… I think I’ll go with that…

[Grace]: Now, that I think about it, didn’t it have fleas?

[Caroline]: Grace!

[Grace]: What?

[Caroline]: Nevermind… I think I have as many clothes as I need.

[Grace]: Glad to be of service!


That’s about all for this post! Congratulations Jewel!


Anyone have plans for the rest of summer? This weekend I’ll be going to summer camp with my youth group, and then I will be going to a cabin with family. Hopefully I can take a doll along and have a post next Thursday with pictures around the cabin! Which doll do you want me to take along?


Have a blessed day!

Gracie Sign Off

Caption It! #3 – VOTING!

Long time no Caption It! I apologize that it took me so long to get this up; I guess Nano and other business and such got me behind.

But enough apologies and excuses, it is well time for the post!


A lot of people commented with captions (about 15, if I counted correctly!)! Thank you so much everyone for all of your great captions!


Here’s how the voting works:

  • I post the picture to be captioned
  • I post a few of my favorite captions below it
  • and you vote for your favorite caption with the poll!


Let’s go!


There were so many great ones, but here are four captions that I picked for you to vote on:


Clara: “Grace, what on EARTH are you doing in a yellow suit and rain boots out on the street? You’re ridiculous! It’s a mercy that no one’s out here…”

Grace: “Shh! See that big shadow in front of us? I don’t dare look at it, since it might be a monster, and so I’m pretending to be a statue.”

Clara: “You haven’t answered my…”

Grace: “Shh!”

Clara: “Take off those rainboots before I–”

Grace: “SHH!!”



Clara: Grace, it’s sunny and hot and basically summer. WHY are you wearing a raincoat?

Grace: It’s like the Boy Scout Model says–Be prepared.

Clara: Then I take it you are prepared for the Math test tomorrow?

Grace: WHAAAT?!?



Clara: Grace. It’s not raining.

Grace: But I just got back from my babysitting job.

Clara: And?

Grace: That got me thinking… I could be Mary poppins!

Clara: Mary Poppins isn’t real Grace.

Grace: Yes, but I am. Just watch, my umbrella will carry me up in the air, and then we’ll fly kites!

Clara: At least you’re dressed for 1 out of 2 occasions you’ve planned.



Julie (earlier): Clara, just a fair warning, Grace just had a double espresso without me knowing so be careful…

*Clara goes outside to enjoy the sunny weather*

Clara: Grace! Why are you out here acting like it’s raining?

Grace: I am a math expert! Two plus two is nineteen hundred thousand and eight!!! HA! *throws unbrella* TAKE THAT ALBERT EINSTEIN!

Clara: You are NEVER having coffee ever again.


And now here’s where you cast your vote! May the best caption win! 😉


Bye for now!



Caption It! #3

Hello! Been a little while, hasn’t it!? :-/ 🙂 Hopefully I’ll be able to get some more posting action in for you all this week (and next week, and the week after… 😉 ). (Perhaps something for Easter?? 😮 😉 )

But now… …

Are you ready for another Caption It! game?!


Here’s How it Works:

Take a look at the image posted below, and decide what you think Grace and Clara are saying (or doing), then comment below!

(Ex.: [Name]: It’s a bird!

[Other Name]: It’s a plane!

[Name]: No, It’s superman!!! )

I will choose three to five of my favorite captions to be posted in a week or so, and to be voted on. A week or so from that post, I will post the winner!


Note: If a caption is deemed inappropriate by my mom or me, it will not be included.


Here is the picture!



Have fun!!


Can you believe that Easter is this Sunday!? 


Post for you later,


Caption It! #2 Winner!

Ready to see the winner of Caption It #2?



Grace: Kit, isn’t it a little hot to be wearing that scarf?
Caroline: T sn’t jst n scrf, t’s thr.
Grace: What?
Caroline: SD T SN’T JST N SCRF, T’S THR.
Grace: WHAT?
Caroline (pulling scarf down): I SAID IT ISN’T JUST ONE SCARF, IT’S THREE!!!!!
Grace: Oh. But isn’t it a little hot to be wearing three scarves?
Caroline: Ugh.


Congratulations Blackiesunshine! And great job everyone!

Thanks to all the caption”er”s and voters!



P.S. Christmas is only TWO DAYS away! 😮 😮 😮


Caption It #2 – Voting! + Some Very Exciting News!!!


I’ve got some Very exciting news!

Buuut, I’m gonna make you wait until the end of this post! XD XD


It’s about time I post the voting session for my Caption it, dontchathink?

Here’s how it works:

I pick a few of my favorites from the original Caption It #2 post…

And then you get to vote on your favorite! I can post the ultimate winner in (probably) about a week!




Here are the contenders!



Grace: Ah, the guard has fallen asleep. Come on, mini Kit, now’s our chance! We’re so close to the Christmas present stash!
Caroline: Zzzzzz



Grace: Kit, isn’t it a little hot to be wearing that scarf?
Caroline: T sn’t jst n scrf, t’s thr.
Grace: What?
Caroline: SD T SN’T JST N SCRF, T’S THR.
Grace: WHAT?
Caroline (pulling scarf down): I SAID IT ISN’T JUST ONE SCARF, IT’S THREE!!!!!
Grace: Oh. But isn’t it a little hot to be wearing three scarves?
Caroline: Ugh.



Grace: Caroline, what are you doing?
Caroline: I have a huge zit on my lip and I don’t want anyone to see! Please don’t tell.
Grace: OK! Your secret is my secret!
Grace’s thoughts: Wait till Clara hears about this, hee hee!



Grace: “there’s were my scarf went!”

Caroline: (thinking)“maybe if I stand still and pretend I’m asleep she won’t notice that I—

Grace: hey is that Clara’s scarf?

Caroline: “darn”


Now it’s your turn? Who do you think should win Caption It #2?!




P.S. I want to thank every one of you who entered! I loved reading your captions!




Ok!!! Now onto the news!!! *squeals*


I purchased something…

It affects this blog

No, it’s not a doll 😉

Any guesses?


I purchased a Nikon Coolpix l840 on Ebay! I’m super excited! I’ve been using my phone for my photography, so I’m very much looking forward to using this new, nicer camera!

It hasn’t arrived yet, but when it does, would you like to see a post on it?



Have you ever purchased a camera? Were you excited?


