BIBPC the Sixth Category 7 – Invincible


Another last minute entry… I really need to work on my time management!

This entry was a fun one, and it is also the final entry for this round of BIBPC! This has been a lot of fun, as always!!

Here is my entry for team owl, for the category, invincible!


So, of course, a camera isn’t invincible. But, the pictures that it captures help our memories to be a bit more invincible than if we hadn’t taken them. 🙂

This photo is of my Pentax K1000, an old film camera that I purchased for a photography class. I’m looking forward to taking and developing photos with it!


And here is the poster I designed for BIBPC the 7th, also starring the Pentax film camera…



Have a blessed day!

Gracie Sign Off

BIBPC the Sixth, Category 6 – Epiphany!

I’m here last minute with my Category 6 BIBPC entry!! Go Owls!

The category was “epiphany”, so I had been waiting all week to get an epiphany about what I could photograph, but it never really came. So instead, I photographed myself getting an epiphany…

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the photo!




Have a blessed day!

Gracie Sign Off

BIBPC the Sixth Category 5 – Disguise

Good afternoon!

I’m early with my BIBPC entry this time! The category is disguise.

Go Owls!!

Here it is…


I wasn’t sure what I would photograph for this challenge. I couldn’t think of any costumes I had on hand, but when I thought about it today, I realized that I could photograph some mystery books we have. Essentially, a mystery book is about a problem that is disguised, and the character(s) are trying to find out what’s underneath. So I pulled out a copy of a Nancy Drew mystery and a Hardy Boys mystery to star in this entry. 🙂

Have you read Nancy Drew or Hardy Boys? What other books do you like?


Have a blessed day!

Gracie Sign Off


BIBPC the Sixth, Category 4 Entry – Furry!


I am here with a last minute BIBPC entry!

The category is furry, and I am on team Owl.

Go Owls!


This photo was taken with my Nikon L840, not my Canon T3i. As you can see, it features my very furry feline with a very furry teddy bear! 🙂 ♥

For Megan, I also named my photo with the name, team, and category.


How was your Christmas and New Year?


Have a blessed day!

Gracie Sign Off

BIBPC the Sixth – Category 3: Tradition


I am here with another entry for BIBPC! This contest has been so much fun so far!

Go Owls!

Category 3 is “tradition.” I wasn’t sure at first what to photograph, because I couldn’t really think of any unique traditions my family/I do for Christmas, but I was able to think of one, and got this photo with the help of some gifts my mom wrapped for friends tonight… and also the cat 😉 .


This picture represents a personal tradition I have. It’s simple, yet enjoyable and exciting to me. Every Christmas morning, I like to get up before the sun rises, when the house is dark, and go out to where the tree is. In my family, we typically don’t put the presents under the tree until Christmas Eve night, so when I go out on Christmas morning, I can turn on the tree lights in the dark and sit and enjoy how pretty everything looks, and enjoy the excitement of the morning!

Christmas traditions are so fun, though we must always remember the greatest reason behind all of the trees and lights and presents — Jesus: the greatest gift of all!


What are some of your Christmas traditions?


Before you go, Clara is hosting a giveaway for her 4-year blog anniversary! You can check it out here!


Have a blessed day, and a merry Christmas!! ❤

Gracie Sign Off