A Final Shoot from my Trip

Hi! Happy Thursday!

Today I have the last photoshoot that I got of Caroline during my recent trip (which was actually a few weeks ago now)


Right before we left I started posing Caroline on the porch railing to get a few last minute pictures.


Which picture do you prefer, top or bottom?



The lighting wasn’t that great–I don’t recommend getting all your photos with full sunlight– but after editing I think they improved.


What do you think of the lighting?





Ahh, much better! Under the shade of the porch, the lighting makes for much better photos!



And the last one, a farewell to our trip!


I hope you enjoyed this little photoshoot! That’s about it for posts from my family trip.

What did you think of the pictures? The lighting?

What kind of posts would you like to see next?


Have a blessed day! I plan to get another post up next Thursday!

Gracie Sign Off

Grace Explores the Woods

I took the pictures for this photostory while on vacation! Enjoy!

Grace Explores the Woods




Hi there! It’s Grace here! Today I’m going to explore the woods around the cabin!


Ah, it’s so beautiful out–


EEK! I nearly ran into that web! *shudders*


Well, here we are! The great outdoors!


That way is towards the road, so I won’t explore that way…


But instead I’ll explore this way!


Hmm, what’s around here…?


Oooh look! A swing!!


But… it’s to tall for me… *sigh*


There are a lot of pine cones around here! They’re so interesting!


Now this looks like fun!





Oh, wait… um, where’d the cabin go?? I certainly don’t want to get lost! (although, I suppose, the last time turned out pretty interesting!)


Phew, false alarm! There it is over there!

Now, let’s see, what else is there to do around here?


Ah, look at that! A cliff to conquer!!






Al…most… there…!!



Yes! I made it!!



Well, this has been a whole lot of fun, but I guess it’s time to head home (or, that is, to the cabin) now.


Bye everyone! Thanks for reading!

Stay tuned for a photoshoot of me later on!!


Did you enjoy Grace’s little woodsy adventure? Like Grace mentioned, stay tuned for a photoshoot I got of her on vacation (In a special outfit!)


Have a blessed day!


My Vacation and BIBPC

Hiii! I’m back from Colorado! Did you miss me?

Ready for an avalanche of pictures from my trip?

Ready or not, here they come!

Day 1

Today we flew into Colorado. Let me tell you, flying is amazing! I love seeing the earth get smaller and smaller beneath me as we fly higher and higher; the cars turning into little toys like those I used to play with, then into tiny bugs that you wouldn’t think twice about flicking off your arm, and then into bitty specks of dust along the thin streets.

All the while we’re flying up into the fluffy clouds, and can peer off over the horizon, to what seems like the end of the world, and look down on the earth’s surface that resembles a map.

Even the clouds were gorgeous. On the flight back, I half expected to see fairy cities resting atop the great spans of clouds 🙂 , the clouds seemed like a place that I would have loved to land on and explore. They are quite an Amazing piece of God’s handiwork! Thus, I took many pictures!

I brought mini Samantha on the plane with me! So now she’ll take over..


Hi everyone! So, yes, what Gracie/mom said (Mom, I thought was supposed to take day 1!) 

Hehe, oops.

The heaven’s declare the glory of God!

I had so much fun flying!

Julie’s turn…


Hii! Here I am out of the suitcase! Ugh,  I looked like a mummy how Mom wrapped me up in there-like a buried mummy! Thankfully though, my sisters didn’t see me like that, and I don’t get claustrophobic very easily. It was a bit of a bumpy ride, but Mom packed me securely and I’m glad to be here!

CAM01119My bed and sock pillow Mom made for me 🙂

Yes, Julie did look a quite like a mummy 🙂 , I wrapped her in my old baby blankets, then in a soft sweater, and I surrounded her with clothes in the suitcase for padding. I did my best to keep her safe during the flight, and she seemed to have come out just fine! 🙂

Day 2

Samantha again!

Today, Gracie took me on a hike with her family and some friends! It was quite lovely; a little warm, but where we come from it’s HOT, so it was much better than that!


See my shoe in this picture? After walking a ways, Gracie noticed it was gone! So she looked through her pictures for a hint as to where she might have dropped it, and saw this picture! So she recovered my shoe quite easily.


oops, fuzz.



SNAKE! It was fun to see it slither and wiggle across the path. It was really small, and ended up slithering into a little crack on the sidewalk!


This picture was actually accidental! Gracie’s phone sometimes take pictures when Gracie doesn’t mean it to, and this one turned out kinda neat!


❤ (again)


Can you see me?


Can you see me this time? 🙂




No… Two Grasshoppers!


❤ (again again)



A bunch of ants were on the bottom of these leaves! o_O


And I tried my hand at photographing some individuals.


Day 3

Julie here! Guess where we went today!?!

The American Girl Store!!! Yay! And indeed, Mom took me along 🙂

Picture time!


I really like this pic 🙂 (above, in case you were wondering. I typically refer to the picture above in my captions)



I LOVE Kit’s desk! (it’s really cut off in this pic)


Sorry for the fuzz… 🙂


Funny story about the upcoming photos. So I was trying to get pictures of key things in the store (rather than everything) And I guess the Lea section might have been kind of small or something (the store itself seemed relatively small compared to the (few) stores I’ve seen), but later on silly me was like, hey, I forgot to get pictures of the girl of the year (of all things). So we ended up going back into the store so I could snap some shots. 😛


Isn’t her kitty adorable!?!


Sorry these two fruit stand pics aren’t so great, Lea’s fruit stand was at an odd angle, and I didn’t want to take the time to move it.


Guess what we got…



The Denim hooded jacket! Looks like a review is in order… 🙂


Day 4

I, mini Samantha, will take over now.

I present you with photos of the Red Rocks Amphitheater! It was pretty neat, and really big, but the walk from the car up to it was exhausting! For Gracie, anyways, I just relaxed in her purse 😉 .


Don’t mind my (Gracie’s) finger there…



Day 5

Hey, It’s me, Gracie, again! Today, the main thing we did was go to our friend’s wedding. It was a lovely wedding (even though the rain kept threatening to come and often spat on us o_O )

It was a wonderful and tiring day! 🙂

Day 6

Today we flew home. I put all my flight pictures in day one, however, so no more of those.



The girls were thrilled to see their big sister again! And Caroline was also glad to get her doll back, safe and sound, with both shoes accounted for 🙂 😛 .

It’s good to be back!

I hope you enjoyed hearing about my Colorado Trip!

Also, as a part of this post I am including my entry for BIBPC (Boring into Beautiful Photography Contest), which I am excited to be participating in, Thanks Megan!!!

The theme is fuzzy.


The story:

I was originally planning on photographing my rabbit stuffed animal (bunny starts with B for extra points) BUT I opted for this one instead, because the leaf and stem are quite fuzzy, and I am very happy with how the picture turned out with the ants and all. And let me tell you, it is a difficult task to photograph busy ants!


Well, I think that’s all I have to say… 🙂


~Gracie 😉

A Photoshoot with Caroline + Vacation!

Today, I wanted to share a short photo shoot of Caroline with you. I took these pictures a while back, but think they’re really pretty. I experimented with editing these photos, as well.

If you read the title, you probably want to know about the vacation part 🙂 . I’m going to Colorado for about a week (leaving August 1 and coming back August 6)! So I don’t plan on blogging during my vacation. However, I might schedule a post to publish during my trip for you all 🙂 . I’m planning on bringing Julie and mini Samantha with me 🙂 . I’m also planning on going to the American Girl store in Colorado, and am very excited for that (so is Julie), and I’m looking forward to telling you about my trip when I’m back!!

And now,

onto the photoshoot!

20151228_171530 (2)

20151228_171728 (2)

edit 3



Do you like to edit photos? Personally, I really like using Picmonkey to edit my photos. I like all of the options they provide, and how the photos I edit turn out.

Which picture is your favorite?

See you after my trip!


~Gracie 😉