Clara’s Top Ten Craft Materials and Supplies + The Craft Tag

Hi there!! It’s Clara speaking!!

Maybe you’ve heard? I love crafts!!

This in mind, Gracie thought it would be fun for me to share my top ten favorite crafting materials on her blog!

And, as often happens, I forgot my glasses!

Gracie was also nominated for the Craft Tag by Lexie at Dolltastically Fun (Thanks, Lexie!), so I’ll also be doing that, in place of Gracie, later in this post!

So… let’s begin!

This is my box of craft supplies!!

In no particular order…


1) Scissors


This is pretty self explanatory. Cutting materials generally ends up turning out much better than tearing them. 😉


2) Tape


Not only is tape useful for sticking your materials together, you can get many different types of tapes in many different designs, allowing you to use it not only for its practical benefits, but also for pretty decorative benefits! (Think washi (!!) and duct tape!)


3) Hot Glue


Unfortunately I don’t have a hot glue gun, but Gracie does, and it is an amazing crafting tool! Normal glue is great, and can be used for some things that hot glue can’t, but hot glue works so much faster, and opens up new crafting opportunities. Just be careful and have an adult’s permission, it’s called hot glue for a reason!


4) Craft foam


Craft foam is so much fun! It comes in so many exciting colors, and you can get different sheet sizes or thickness, if needed. It’s great for crafting doll food (think shredded cheese, coin-cut carrots, sandwiches, etc.) and more!


5) Clay


Clay is a great material. Sometimes I think of it as separate to crafting, since you can basically form anything you want out of it, if you know how. It’s also great for doll food.


6) Paperboard (and cardboard)


Don’t know what I mean by paperboard? It’s just the thin cardboard that makes cereal boxes and things like that. It is great for crafting! Plus, you can easily get it (free!) by recycling it from your empty cereal boxes! Normal cardboard is a wonderful supply as well, but you might need to be a bit creative if you want to hide those messy edges.


7) Paper/scrapbook paper


White or solid colored paper is wonderful, and designed scrapbook paper is really fun too! (We especially like wood prints, and naturals like that). Paper is great for covering large (or small) crafts, to make them look nice.


8) Pens/pencils/markers


And of course, drawing and coloring supplies are staple crafting tools, as well! I don’t think I need much of an explanation here…


9) Paint


Paint is great! Whether your using it for art, or to color your latest project, it is a very good craft supply! I think acrylic is one of the best options for painting your clay, or other material crafts. (Tip from Gracie’s experience: Avoid painting your clay items with watercolor! It may chip off and not work well!)


10) Felt/fabric


And last but not least, felts and fabrics are great materials for various craft and sewing projects. They’re great for sew or no-sew clothing, of course, but you can also use felts and fabrics for things like pillows, felted food, rugs, accessories, and more!



And now for the Craft Tag!

Here are the Rules:

Answer 5 questions

Create 5+ new questions

Tag people

What is the weirdest craft material you have ever used?

Good question! Once Gracie used real cinnamon and sugar for her clay snicker-doodle cookies! o_O That’s right! She made sure to cover over it in layers of mod-podge to seal it all in! She even sold several in her Etsy shop!

What kinds of things do you like to make?

Food (Our dolly kind, I mean) is a lot of fun to make! Furniture items are fun, as well. Gracie enjoyed crafting me and Grace’s bunk bed a long time ago 🙂 .

Do you use materials from the craft store, or do you use other things also, like recycled or up-cycled things?

Materials from the store are great, but we also love recycling paperboard and other random objects we may find to use in a craft! Once Gracie made a lamp using an old, golden-beaded candle-holder she found.

Are there any craft supplies that you hate or won’t use?

Not really, that I can think of.

Do you have a craft area / where do you do your crafts?

Gracie typically does her crafts at her desk in her room. I do my crafts either in my room or at the kitchen table!



I Nominate…








  1. Favorite craft you’ve ever made?
  2. Worst craft you’ve ever made?
  3. What are a few of your favorite craft materials?
  4. Which do you prefer: crafting or sewing?
  5. You are told to craft a bed for your doll/stuffie only using three materials, besides a pair of scissors. What three things do you chose?


I hope you all enjoyed this post!!

Do you like crafting? What are some of your favorite craft supplies?


Until next time!


25 thoughts on “Clara’s Top Ten Craft Materials and Supplies + The Craft Tag

  1. YES, those are some of my top 10 craft materials/supplies, too! I especially like scissors, they’re pretty useful. XD And aww, thank you so much for nominating me for the Craft Tag! I can’t wait to do it!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Clara is so so cute! I love her hair in pigtails! My favorite craft supply/tool has to be a hot glue gun…I mean, you can fix pretty much anything with hot glue! 😉 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This was a fun post, I enjoyed hearing about all of Clara’s crafting supplies, me and her have a lot alike – I’m a crazy crafter! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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