Blogger Recognition Award

Thank you Kiki for nominating me for this Award! I’m excited to do it!


Here are the Rules:

Thank the nominator! And give a link to their blog or blogs

  • Write a post about this award
  • Give a short bit about how/why you started your website
  • Give some advice for bloggers.
  • Nominate 15 bloggers
  • Tell those 15 bloggers via comment!


How/why I started this blog:

Let’s start at the very beginning (it’s a very good place to staaart!). So I had a couple dolls, and I loved crafting for them! My friend who also had dolls introduced me to My Froggy Stuff, a super great doll crafting blog. (Her crafts are AMAZING. If you haven’t checked out My Froggy Stuff, and like doll crafting, then I highly recommend you do!)

I began to use her site, and I started looking for doll crafts elsewhere as well. I believe the two main blogs I found that inspired me in my road to my own blog were American Girl Fan and Fun with AG Fan. At first I looked at their blogs for the crafts, but eventually started reading and enjoying other posts.

Somewhere along the road, I decided I wanted to start my own blog! I waited for perhaps six months (I think I wanted to wait until summer), and then started Smile and Craft AG (by then I had all four dolls)! I’m very grateful for the great examples I had to start me off on blogging, and it’s been so fun finding, reading, and following other amazing doll blogs, as well as growing my own!


Advice for other bloggers:

Oooh, this is great, because I wrote my post on blogging tips (you can find it here), but there was one thing I left out that is important to me! So here it is:

I highly recommend replying to people who comment on your blog. It feels more special and personal to have a reply to your comment. I, personally, appreciate seeing my comments replied to on other blogs. Something about it makes a blog seem so much better. Of course, maybe your blog is super big and you get a bunch of comments and have no time to reply, and that is ok (maybe just reply to readers’ questions), but if you are able to, replies are wonderful!

If you’d like to see more advice, you can check out my blogging tips post 🙂


I nominate:


Grace (there are so many Grace/Gracie’s in the blogosphere; I could probably name off five right now!)






Christian Homeschooler




And I’m stopping at ten, because 15 is A LOT of people to think of (not to mention comment with the news!)! So if you would like to be nominated for this tag, let me know in the comments! 🙂

And, I believe that’s it… *goes back and checks the rules*

I hope you liked reading this award! Thanks again to Kiki for nominating me!



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